Once Upon A Time in Flinders Uni

I feel cold, but my friend from Australia doesn't, I think I'm fat enough but I have a lot of friends here that bigger than me.....and taller

My room in Flinders University, I have a lot of place to do my work, at the postgraduate room, at Jim Shiller's room, and in the library

And this was a time when the student have a time for dialog and gathering with the Ambassador


Anonim mengatakan…
seep pak dosen kita ini, jalan2 mulu.. seruuu !
Anonim mengatakan…
Nice Blog…
Chandana mengatakan…

Nice blog.

Here's a blog that will provide for your spiritual needs.

This blog has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of GOD.
These will teach us how to have GOD in all the aspects of our lives and allow GOD's rule over every matter.


Have a blessed reading.

God bless you.
Pemuda Internet mengatakan…
hallo..pak salam dri kalteng.
kunjungi balik
happy blogging
Al Mahadaya mengatakan…
Kebangkitan agama tuhan. http://1asalama.blogspot.com

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