Genuk Semarang District is an area of which functioned as an industrial area in Semarang city. What happened next is mixing between industrial area and dense settlement, which is grew organically and planned. Because of the lack of area capacity, developer built new settlement area by doing fishpond reclamation. The unstable reclamation land was significantly going down (land subsidence), so the settlement above is always suffused by the rob flood.
Flood caused by the sea level rising (rob) which happened there, has increasing intensity year after year, higher and more often. Added by inappropriate quality standard of the building and salting process from the sea breeze, hence electronic goods, fence from iron, motorcycle, etc, become vulnerable and quickly damaged. However, its society do not want to move out, they prefer to stay and adapting, by changing the environment to become more adjustable for them self.
This paper will explained:
1. Society perception in seeing their continuing degradated settlement environment.
2. How the society respond (individual and communal motivation) in facing their continuing degradated settlement environment, what will they do, and what the reason behind it.
3. Environmental face and degradated settlement changes, in order to maintain their existence and to support the society.
As known, perception will generate certain reaction. Perception depends from the individual experiences. For people who ever experienced flood, the increasing of rob would not affect a lot. However, for people who never experienced flood, will suffered severe stressed. So does about the respond, it will be very affected by perception came up. Safety feeling perception will be different from fear of danger perception. Perception, respond and reaction also influenced by family condition. The family who has baby or little children will have different perception with the family that has grown up child.
What happened in around Genuk Semarang District area is that something such as movement responds, to maintain the environment together, which is done by certain societal group, in order to fix their environment, so that their existence remained. Lot of efforts they made, one of them is making the street higher, also functioned as dam or dike to resist the rob flood. The increasing methods also differs, depends on society agreement about the advantage and street function. This pattern causing resident house sink, that initially at higher position from the street became lower from street surface. The other group opinion declared that the most important thing is their house and their belongings are safe first, so they made their houses higher. After that finished, they continue thinking about the environment. These environmental resettlement behavioral patterns are influenced by length of stay, type of works, and consanguinity pattern of residence.

Keyword: settlement, environmental degrades, adaptation
*) Paper for seminar on Meeting and Conference; Susutainable Slum Upgrading in Urban Area
**) lecturer of Urban and Regional Planning Department, Technical Faculty at Diponegoro University, Semarang


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Selamat ya Pak Parfie, smoga terus lulus, mujur, raharjo, jadi doktor sehabis sidang kandidatnya. Amiin.

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